Insights 4 - Dialogue On Sanitation And Malnutrition _ver 3.0

Sanitation, water and hygiene play a fundamental role in improving nutritional outcomes. Malnutrition is a significant health problem, especially in India and a successful effort to tackle under nutrition must include clean water, sanitation and good hygiene. These factors have a direct impact on infectious diseases and are critical for preventing malnutrition. A large part of under nutrition is linked to diarrhea and other infections, which are caused by poor sanitation, unsafe water, insufficient hygiene including not washing hands with soap. However, both sanitation and hygiene go beyond just providing the infrastructure. A mindset shift is required that is ably supported by consistent communication and education for successful implementation in the long-term. A single-handed tactic will not take this forward; gathering a wellrounded perspective is the key. An evaluation of the need for sanitation, its link & impact on malnutrition and the overall health of children are key concerns that must be addressed to create sustainable solutions