Hand Hygiene Hackathon

Hand washing is a cost-effective public health intervention that reduces the disease burden. In India, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, hand hygiene promotion was sporadic, and the country relied on specific government initiatives. To raise awareness about the importance of hand washing, October 15 is observed as Global Hand Washing Day. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, UNICEF and WHO launched Hand Hygiene for All (HH4All) in June 2020, a worldwide program aimed at accelerating and scaling up hand hygiene activities. Accordingly, the India Sanitation Coalition (ISC) organized a national hand hygiene hackathon in collaboration with UNICEF India. The objective was to identify and promote product innovations and business solutions for Hand Hygiene Washing Stations.
The project helped in promoting handwashing behavior among 40 corporates and 5000+ of their staff members.
5 innovative handwashing stations were brought to life from concept to prototype stage and were piloted in 10 different geographies of the country.